Compare that to Incite the Pack, which you have no control over when it procs, meaning there is no guarantee that it will align with any of your cooldowns or when you have high Frenzy stacks.ĮDIT: I should note that Incite the Pack also gives an additional 32% of the Mastery spread across 2 other party members, so while the trait may sim low for an individual BM hunter, in terms of increasing the overall DPS of the raid/party, it actually ranks quite highly (still not as good as Primal Instincts though).Homicide Hunter - Season 8 Episode 1 - Season 8 Premiere 8 - 1 Homicide Hunter - Season 8 Episode 2 - End of Days 8 - 2 Homicide Hunter - Season 8 Episode 3.

Each subsequent time you gain Primal Instcincts is guaranteed to be aligned with Aspect of the Wild and the extra Barbed Shot charge means your pet is likely to reach 2-3 Frenzy stacks for most of the duration, which is the perfect time to gain a large chunk of Mastery (which increases pet damage). However Incite the Pack happens randomly throughout the fight, whereas Primal Instincts kicks in right on pull, where the sims have you using Bloodlust, Prepot, Aspect of the Wild *and* Bestial Wrath you'll also be using Murder of Crows, have full focus and 2 charges of Barbed Shot hence your pet is going to have 3 Frenzy stacks for the entirely of the initial Primal Instincts buff. If you look at the Incite the Pack trait, it gives a similar amount of Mastery and has a 60% higher uptime compared to Primal Instincts (in my sims I get a 30% uptime for Incite the Pack, as opposed to a 19% uptime for Primal Instincts). It's not just about the large chunk of Mastery though, the timing of when the Mastery occurs matters a lot. A jury found a Hancock County woman guilty of murder in a retrial after the Indiana Court of Appeals tossed out her original conviction. Although the fact that the extra Mastery from the second and third traits still causes such a big DPS jump (relative to the first trait) implies that the Mastery is the largest contribution to the trait's strength in the first place. If you look at the stacked chart on Azortharion's Icy Vein BM Hunter guide, you'll notice that the first trait gives a slightly larger DPS increase (~23% larger) than the second and third trait. Yeah the Primal Instincts traits after the first only increase the amount of Mastery that you gain.